L-earn is our project for young people who want to get into work, training or education.

L-earn aims to help young adults to develop the skills, experience, understanding, basic skills and confidence to progress into further training, apprenticeships or work.
L-earn is for 16-19 year-olds who are unemployed and not in other training schemes but want to progress and learn work skills in a real workplace, with a real paid job.
We take young people on for 6 months as part-time paid employees within our organisation, alongside training and support in the workplace.
By the end of a L-earn placement young people are fully “job ready”; reliable, punctual, used to working with other adults in a team, with experience of working hard, aware of health and safety at work, more confident and mature with better communication skills with customers and workmates.
Many progress into full-time work or apprenticeships while others move on to college with a better idea of what they want to do as a career.
No L-earn vacancies at the moment – watch this space, our facebook, twitter and newsletter for announcements!

Hear about L-earn from the young people who have taken part in these short videos: