Your vote counts!

We asked parliamentary candidates in East Sussex whether they would pledge to campaign to save Local Welfare Assistance (LWA) funding and ring-fence it to protect the services it funds.
LWA is a safety net that enables some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged households to get through a crisis, obtain and set up a basic home including beds and bedding, emergency food and rent deposits.
At HFS we see the direct results of this support because we source and deliver brand new beds, bedding, cookers and fridges for people in Hastings and Rother who apply to the County Council for this help (click to read more about the scheme).
Separate, ring-fenced LWA funding was abolished in April 2015. The Government said that Councils would allocate funds for the services from their core grant; they suggested amounts but refused to ring-fence funds. Council core grants are reducing each year (local Councils say their budgets have been reduced 40% since 2010) so the lack of separate, ring-fenced funding puts LWA services at risk.
If you haven’t yet decided how to vote on 8th June, please bear in mind that the candidates’ intentions on issues like this can make a real difference to local households in need.
These candidates have pledged support:
Peter Chowney – Labour – Hastings & Rye
Colin Stocks – Green Party – Wealden
Nicholas Wilson – Independent (Vote Ethical) – Hastings & Rye
Angie Smith – Labour – Wealden
Caroline Lucas – Green Party – Brighton Pavilion
We’ve not yet heard from the Conservatives, Liberal Democrats or UKIP.